"To be tolerant" 是表示对某人宽容的英文表达。这个短语来源于拉丁语 "tolerare",意思是"容忍"或"忍受"。

下面是一些使用 "to be tolerant" 的英文例句,并附有中文翻译:

"I try to be tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if I don't agree with them." (我尽量对别人的信仰宽容,即使我不同意他们。)
"She is a very tolerant person and always tries to see things from others' perspectives." (她是一个非常宽容的人,总是尽量从别人的角度看待事情。)
"Our society needs to be more tolerant of diversity and differences." (我们的社会需要对多元化和差异更加宽容。)
"In order to have a healthy relationship, it's important to be tolerant of your partner's flaws." (为了拥有健康的关系,宽容你伴侣的缺点很重要。)

最佳回答 2023-03-24