"Separate" is the word you can use to describe the act of separating or dividing something into two or more parts. This word comes from the Latin word "separatus," which means "to set apart."

Here are some examples of how you can use "separate" in a sentence:

Can you separate these eggs for me? (你能帮我把这些鸡蛋分开吗?)
The teacher asked the students to separate into groups. (老师让学生们分成几组。)
We need to separate the good apples from the bad ones. (我们需要把好的苹果和坏的苹果分开。)

You can also use the phrase "split up" to describe the act of separating or dividing something into two or more parts. This phrase comes from the Old English word "spleotan," which means "to split or divide."

Here are some examples of how you can use "split up" in a sentence:

The couple decided to split up after ten years of marriage. (这对夫妇在结婚十年后决定分开。)
The team decided to split up into smaller groups to cover more ground. (这个团队决定分成几个小组来覆盖更多的地方。)
We need to split up the work so that we can finish on time. (我们需要把工作分开,这样我们就能按时完成。)

最佳回答 2023-04-23