
"Old shoes will save your feet, but new shoes will save your legs." 这个谚语的意思是,旧鞋可以保护你的脚,新鞋可以保护你的腿。它的来源可能源于古代人们认为,旧鞋的鞋底比较硬,可以保护脚不受伤害,而新鞋的鞋底很软,可以减轻腿部的压力。


"I know these shoes are a little worn out, but they're still comfortable. Old shoes will save your feet, after all."

"I'm going to buy a new pair of running shoes. My legs are feeling pretty tired lately, so I'm hoping the new shoes will save them."

"Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." 这个谚语的意思是,不要对一个人进行评判,除非你走过他走过的路。它的来源可能源于古代人们认为,走过一段路可以体会到路上的困难,才能对一个人进行公正的评判。


"I can't believe he did that. But I guess I shouldn't judge him until I've walked a mile in his shoes."

"She's going through a really tough time right now. I shouldn't be so quick to judge her actions until I understand what she's been through."

"Give a man a pair of shoes, and he'll walk for a day. Teach a man to shoe a horse, and he'll walk for a lifetime." 这个谚语的意思是,送一个人一双鞋,他只能走一天的路,教一个人如何给马鞍鞋,他就能走一辈子的路。它的来源可能源于古代人们认为,学会一项技能可以使一个人长期获得收益,而只是给予物质

最佳回答 2023-05-06