"What did he eat this morning?" can be translated as "他早上吃了什么?" in Chinese.

This question can be used to ask someone about the food that a specific person (in this case, "he") ate during the morning. It is a way to inquire about the person's breakfast or other meals that they may have had during the morning hours.

Here are a few example sentences using this question in English:

"I'm trying to plan my meals for the week and I'm wondering what he ate this morning." (Translation: "我在尝试计划本周的饮食,我想知道他早上吃了什么。")
"She asked him what he ate this morning before they went for a run." (Translation: "在他们去跑步前,她问他早上吃了什么。")
"I'm trying to eat healthier, so I want to know what he ate this morning to see if I can get some ideas." (Translation: "我想吃得更健康,所以我想知道他早上吃了什么,看看能不能有什么灵感。")

最佳回答 2023-05-20