"I like to eat cabbage" would be the most straightforward way to say "我喜欢吃洋白菜" in English.

Cabbage, also known as Brassica oleracea, is a leafy vegetable that is a member of the cruciferous family of plants, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. It is believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean region, and has been cultivated for thousands of years for its edible leaves.


"I love adding shredded cabbage to my salads." (我喜欢在沙拉里加碎洋白菜)
"I'm going to make a stir-fry with chicken and cabbage tonight." (我今晚要做一个鸡肉和洋白菜的炒饭)
"Cabbage is a healthy and versatile vegetable that can be eaten cooked or raw." (洋白菜是一种健康而多用途的蔬菜,可以生吃或煮吃)

最佳回答 2023-08-08