"Melting of ice and snow" in English is commonly referred to as "glacier melt" or "snow melt." The term "glacier melt" comes from the fact that when ice and snow on glaciers melts, it contributes to the overall loss of ice mass and can result in rising sea levels.

Example sentences:

The melting of the Arctic sea ice is a major concern for scientists. (中文翻译:北极海冰的融化是科学家的一大担忧。)
The rapid glacier melt in the Himalayas is causing devastating floods in nearby villages. (中文翻译:喜马拉雅山脉迅速的冰川融化导致附近村庄的灾难性洪水。)
Climate change is causing an increase in snow melt in the Sierra Nevada mountains. (中文翻译:气候变化导致内华达山脉的降雪融化增加。)

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