"Take care of small animals" in English is commonly phrased as "take care of pets" or "care for pets." The phrase "pets" refers to domestic animals that are kept for companionship or pleasure, rather than for practical purposes such as hunting or farming.

Example sentences:

"I take care of my cat by feeding it and cleaning its litter box every day."
"She always loved taking care of pets, so she became a veterinarian."
"It's important to take care of your pet's health by taking them to regular check-ups and providing them with proper nutrition."

爱护小动物用英语常用的说法是 "take care of pets" 或 "care for pets." "pets" 这个词指的是为了陪伴或者愉悦而饲养的家养动物,而不是用于狩猎或农业等实际目的的动物。


"I take care of my cat by feeding it and cleaning its litter box every day." (我每天喂猫并且清理它的猫砂)
"She always loved taking care of pets, so she became a veterinarian." (她一直喜欢照顾宠物,所以成为了一名兽医)
"It's important to take care of your pet's health by taking them to regular check-ups and providing them with proper nutrition." (定期带宠物去看病并为它们提供适当营养是很重要的)

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