"笨猪" 用英语说是 "stupid pig"。

这个说法起源于《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)这本小说中,主人公哈克贝利用这个词来形容他的朋友约翰。具体来说,在小说中,哈克贝利说:

"I says to myself, 'Self,' I says, 'you can't go back home this a-way.' So I turned right around and lied down in the woods. I didn't pick out any particular place to go—I didn't care where. I'd a-just gone along the river bank till I got a good chance, and then crossed over. But I didn't do it. I laid there thinking. And the longer I laid there thinking, the longer I lay there, and the more I wanted to go and find out who it was that was killed in that cabin. I says to myself, 'Self,' I says, 'if you want to find out, you got to get up and wander around a little.' So I got up. But I didn't know where to go to. I see a pig track that was still fresh. I says to myself, 'That's the thing to do—to follow the pig, and get somewhere.' So I started off, following the pig track. I'd see the pig track first and then I'd see the pig track mixed with a human track. I followed along, and by-and-by I come to the cabin."


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