"Hold a book sale" 是表示举行一次图书大甩卖的英语短语。

"Sale" 是英语中的名词,表示 "the exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent",而 "hold" 则是动词,表示 "to organize or arrange (an event, activity, or meeting)"。


Let's hold a book sale to raise money for the library. (我们来举行一次图书大甩卖来为图书馆筹款。)
They are holding a book sale this weekend at the community center. (他们将在本周末在社区中心举行图书大甩卖。)
The school is holding a book sale to get rid of old textbooks. (学校正在举行图书大甩卖来清理旧教科书。)

最佳回答 2024-07-26