"Xinba fuchou" (辛巴复仇) is a Chinese phrase that literally translates to "Xinba's revenge." "Xinba" is a proper noun, and does not have a specific meaning in English. Without more context, it is not possible to say where the phrase comes from or what it refers to. Here are some examples of how the phrase can be used in a sentence in Chinese and their English translations:

辛巴复仇了!(Xinba fuchou le!) - Xinba has taken revenge!
他们终于进行了辛巴复仇。(Tamen zhongyu jinxing le xinba fuchou.) - They have finally taken Xinba's revenge.
辛巴复仇的计划已经实施。(Xinba fuchou de jihua yijing shishi.) - The plan for Xinba's revenge has been implemented.

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最佳回答 2024-07-26