"I eat salad as a dessert" in English can be translated as "I have salad as a dessert" or "I use salad as a dessert".

The origins of salad as a dessert can be traced back to ancient Rome, where sweet fruits and nuts were often mixed with greens to create a sweet and savory dish. Throughout history, salads have been served as a dessert in various forms, such as fruit salad or mixed greens with a sweet dressing.


I have a salad with mixed berries and a honey vinaigrette for dessert. (我的甜点是混合浆果和蜂蜜醋汁沙拉)
She likes to end her meals with a refreshing salad of mixed greens and goat cheese. (她喜欢用混合绿色蔬菜和山羊奶酪沙拉结束饭菜)

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