培养独立思考能力可以用英语表达为 "developing critical thinking skills"。

来源:"Critical thinking" 指的是分析和评估信息以做出明智决策的能力。"Developing" 指的是进行训练和教育以增强某种能力。


"We need to focus on developing critical thinking skills in our students to prepare them for the future." (我们需要重点培养学生的独立思考能力,为他们的未来做好准备。)
"The company's training program includes sessions on developing critical thinking skills to improve decision making." (公司的培训计划包括培养独立思考能力的课程,以提高决策能力。)
"One of the most important skills for success is the ability to think critically and make informed decisions." (成功的最重要技能之一就是有独立思考和做出明智决策的能力。)

最佳回答 2024-07-27