"Read more books about computer science" 的英文表达是 "read more books on computer science"。其中 "read" 是动词,表示阅读;"more" 是副词,表示更多;"books" 是名词,表示书籍;"on" 是介词,表示关于;"computer science" 是名词短语,表示电脑科学。


I want to read more books on computer science to improve my programming skills. (我想读更多关于电脑科学的书来提高我的编程技能。)
He suggested that I read more books on computer science in order to advance my career. (他建议我读更多关于电脑科学的书来提升我的职业。)
She reads more books on computer science than anyone else in her class. (她读电脑科学的书比她班上的任何人都多。)

最佳回答 2024-11-15