"Marine electronic and electrical engineering" 是船舶电子电气工程在英语中的表达。

这个词组来源于英语中的 "Marine" 和 "electronic and electrical engineering"。 "Marine" 意为海洋或船舶相关,而 "electronic and electrical engineering" 指电子和电气工程。


"He specializes in marine electronic and electrical engineering and has worked on many ships." (他专攻船舶电子电气工程,并在许多船上工作过。)
"Marine electronic and electrical engineering is a field that deals with the design and maintenance of electronic and electrical systems on ships." (船舶电子电气工程是一个处理船上电子和电气系统设计和维护的领域。)
"The marine electronic and electrical engineering department at this university offers a wide range of courses for students to choose from." (这所大学的船舶电子电气工程系为学生提供了各种课程供选择。)

最佳回答 2023-08-02