"Cloud Holiday" is a term that refers to celebrating a holiday or festival remotely, often through the use of technology such as video conferencing or social media. It is a way for people to stay connected and celebrate together, even when they are physically apart.

The term "cloud holiday" is derived from the concept of "cloud computing," which refers to the use of internet-based technology to access and share information and resources. The "cloud" in this context represents the internet and the vast network of connected devices that make it possible to access and share data and resources remotely.

Here are a few examples of how you might use the term "cloud holiday" in English:

"We can't be together for the holidays this year, but we can still celebrate with a cloud holiday using video chat." (我们今年不能一起过节,但我们仍然可以通过视频聊天庆祝云假期。)
"With the pandemic still ongoing, many families are opting for a cloud holiday to stay safe and connected." (在流行病仍在继续的情况下,许多家庭选择云假期以保持安全并保持联系。)
"We can't travel to see our relatives this year, but we can still have a festive cloud holiday with them using FaceTime." (我们今年不能去看望我们的亲戚,但我们仍然可以通过FaceTime与他们一起庆祝云假期。)

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