"Disappointed again" is a phrase that can be used to express disappointment or frustration at a situation or outcome that has occurred again, especially if it is something that has happened multiple times before and the speaker was hoping for a different result.

The phrase "disappointed again" comes from the word "disappointed," which means feeling sad or unhappy because something has not happened or been as good as expected. The word "again" is added to indicate that this is not the first time this has happened and that the speaker has experienced disappointment on previous occasions.

Here are a few examples of how "disappointed again" can be used in sentences:

"I was really hoping to get the promotion, but I didn't get it. I'm just disappointed again." (我真的很希望能晋升,但是没有得到。我再次感到失望。)
"I thought I had a good chance of winning the lottery, but I lost again. I'm disappointed again." (我以为我有很大的机会赢得彩票,但是我又失败了。我再次失望。)
"I've been trying to get tickets to the concert for weeks, but they always sell out before I can get them. I'm disappointed again." (我已经花了几周的时间试图购买音乐会的门票,但是它们总是在我买之前就售罄了。我再次失望。)

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