蛇的分类英语是 snake taxonomy。这个术语来自生物学,是指将蛇的不同物种分类的过程。蛇是哺乳纲的一个类群,属于脊椎动物门,蛇纲。蛇的分类依据主要有形态特征、遗传特征和生态特征。


"The snake taxonomy is still being studied and revised as new species are discovered and classified."

"There are over 3,000 species of snakes in the world, ranging from small, non-venomous garden snakes to large, highly venomous species."

"According to recent research, the python and boa constrictor families have a common ancestor, but they are now classified in separate genera."

"The snake taxonomy is important for understanding the evolutionary relationships between different species and for conservation efforts."

最佳回答 2023-03-24