"Poetry rain starry sky" in English can be translated as "poetic rain under a starry sky." This phrase likely refers to a beautiful, poetic scene in which it is raining and the sky is filled with stars. It is difficult to trace the exact origin of this phrase as it is a combination of two common expressions in the English language: "poetry rain" and "starry sky."

Here are a few examples of how this phrase could be used in English, along with their Chinese translations:

"The night sky was filled with twinkling stars, and a gentle rain fell, creating a truly poetic scene." (夜空中闪烁着闪闪的星星,温柔的雨下着,创造出一幅真正的诗意场景。)
"As I looked out the window, I was struck by the beauty of the starry sky and the gentle pitter-patter of the rain." (当我看出窗外时,我被星空的美丽和雨点轻轻敲打的声音所打动。)
"I love the sound of rain on a roof, especially when paired with a clear, starry sky." (我喜欢雨声在屋顶上的声音,尤其是与晴朗的星空相伴时。)

最佳回答 2023-04-22