"Walking on the street" 是一种描述在街道上散步的英文表达方式。

"Street" 是英文中街道的意思,来源于拉丁语 "strata",意为 "铺路的地方"。

下面是一些使用 "walking on the street" 的英文例句及其中文翻译:

I like to walk on the street in the morning to get some fresh air. 我喜欢早上在街上散步,呼吸新鲜空气。
Be careful when walking on the street, there might be cars passing by. 在街上散步时要小心,可能有车经过。
She often walks on the street with her dog after dinner. 她常常晚饭后和她的狗在街上散步。
He walked on the street for an hour before he realized he was going in the wrong direction. 他在街上走了一小时,才意识到走错了方向。

最佳回答 2023-04-25