在英语中,"以你们为榜样"可以译作"take you as an example"或"use you as a model." 这个表达源自拉丁语,其中"exemplum"指的是一个例子或模范,而"exempli gratia"意思是"举例说明"。

下面是一些使用"take/use you as an example"或"take/use you as a model"的例句,以及它们的中文翻译:

"We can take the company's success as an example and try to replicate it in our own business."(我们可以以这家公司的成功为榜样,尝试在我们自己的生意中复制它。)
"I'm trying to use you as a model for how to balance work and family."(我正试着以你为榜样,学习如何在工作和家庭之间取得平衡。)
"She takes her parents as an example of how to be kind and compassionate."(她以她的父母为榜样,学习如何善良和富有同情心。)
"He tries to use his boss as a model for how to be successful in his career."(他试着以他的老板为榜样,学习如何在职业生涯中取得成功。)

最佳回答 2023-05-03