"Red Alert" is a real-time strategy computer game series developed by Westwood Studios and published by Electronic Arts. It was first released in 1996 and has since become one of the most popular real-time strategy games of all time.

The game is set in the fictional world of the "Command & Conquer" universe, where the player takes on the role of a commander in one of two factions: the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) or the Brotherhood of Nod. The game features a single-player campaign, as well as multiplayer modes that allow players to compete against each other online.

"Red Alert" is known for its fast-paced gameplay, varied unit types, and engaging story. It has inspired a number of sequels and spin-offs, and has a dedicated fan base around the world.


"The Red Alert empire was founded in 1996 with the release of the first game in the series." (红警帝国成立于1996年,随着系列游戏的首款游戏发布。)
"Red Alert is set in a fictional universe where two factions, GDI and Nod, are locked in an intense conflict." (红警设定在一个虚构的宇宙中,两个阵营GDI和Nod处于激烈的冲突之中。)
"The multiplayer modes in Red Alert allow players to battle against each other online." (红警的多人模式允许玩家在线对战。)

最佳回答 2023-05-06