如果要用英语表达“工厂复工”,可以使用"factory reopening"。“Reopening”一词来源于“open”(开放),表示“重新开始运营”。例句如下:

The factory will reopen next week after being closed for renovations. (工厂经过翻新后将于下周重新开放。)
Many people are excited about the reopening of the factory, as it will bring new jobs to the community. (许多人对工厂的复工感到兴奋,因为这将为社区带来新的就业机会。)
The reopening of the factory is a sign that the economy is starting to recover. (工厂复工是经济开始复苏的一个信号。)

如果需要表达“工厂复工”这一事件,还可以使用"factory resuming operation"或"factory restarting production"。例句如下:

The factory is resuming operation after a long shutdown due to the pandemic. (由于大流行,工厂长时间停工后现在开始复工。)
The factory restarted production this morning after completing necessary safety inspections. (工厂在完成必要的安全检查后,今天早上重新开始生产。)
The company is confident that the factory will be able to meet demand once it resumes operation. (公司相信,一旦工厂复工,就能满足需求。)

最佳回答 2023-05-07