



The coolness of autumn

Autumn is coming, the heat of summer is fading, and a cool breath is filling the air. Autumn is one of the best seasons of the year. It brings many wonderful changes to people.



With the arrival of autumn, the temperature gradually drops. During the day, the sun shines through the blue sky on the earth, although the light becomes soft, but you can still feel the warmth of the sun. At night, the temperature drops, people can put on comfortable clothes and enjoy a good night's sleep.



The cooling in autumn also brings changes to nature. The leaves change from green to warm yellow and reddish-brown, and a beautiful scene unfolds before us. Breeze blowing, leaves with colorful colors, dancing in the air, like a beautiful picture.



For us students, the fall also means the beginning of a new school year. We put on a thick school uniform, carrying heavy schoolbags, set foot on the journey of knowledge. In cooler weather, we are more energetic and motivated to enjoy learning.



It can be seen that the fall of the temperature has brought comfort and beauty to people, but some areas still have to pay attention to keep warm and avoid colds. Whether it is appreciating the changes in nature or welcoming the beginning of a new school year, we should cherish this wonderful season.




Cool autumn

Autumn is coming and the weather is getting cool. The hot summer is a thing of the past, and the cool autumn wind brings comfort.



In the morning, when I went out of the house, I felt the change of autumn. The breeze was blowing against my face, and the refreshing feeling refreshed me. The original hot sun gradually no longer so fierce, replaced by warm sunlight through the clouds sprinkled on the earth. This gentle light makes people feel pleasant and comfortable.



On the school playground, I saw the trees gradually turning golden and red. The autumn wind blows the leaves, they are like many green elves, dancing gracefully in the air. Fallen leaves fall to the ground, forming a colorful carpet that gives people a sense of peace.



The cooling in autumn makes people love outdoor activities more. In the morning and evening, the temperature is suitable. I often go to the park for a walk with my family, breathing the fresh air and feeling the beauty of nature. In the park, children chase and play on the grass, and old people rest and chat under the gazebos. It was a harmonious and happy scene.



The cooling in autumn brings many wonderful changes. Both the color of nature and people's mood become richer and more pleasant. Let's embrace autumn and enjoy the beauty of life.




Golden autumn season

Autumn is a beautiful season, it is also the most obvious season of the year to cool down. When the autumn wind blows away the heat of summer, the earth gradually becomes cool and pleasant.



With the coming of autumn wind, the temperature drops gradually. In the morning, the sun rises over the horizon and shines on my bed through the window. I felt the cool air enter my lungs and felt the natural breath.



On campus, I saw patches of leaves changing from green to gold and red. The autumn wind blows the leaves and they fall from the trees like raindrops. I picked up a fallen leaf and savoured its color and shape, imagining the beauty of autumn.



The cooling in autumn also brings changes to people's lives. We began to put on coats and long-sleeved clothes, the golden wheat fields were swaying one by one, and people began to harvest the fruits of the harvest.



In addition to these changes, autumn also brings a sense of quiet and serenity. I like in the autumn dusk, immersed in their own thinking, quietly enjoy the beauty of nature.



Anyway, the cooling down in autumn brings comfort and beauty to people. Let us enjoy the charm of this season, appreciate the wonders of nature, and feel the cool and quiet brought by the autumn wind.





Autumn is a colorful season and the time of year when the temperature gradually drops. With the autumn wind blowing, the heat of summer gradually left, replaced by cool and pleasant.



On autumn mornings, I am always awakened by the fresh air and breeze. The sun shines on my face through the window, making me feel a little warm. Different from summer, autumn when the temperature is right makes me feel more comfortable and relaxed.



The autumn wind blows through the treetops, bringing changes in the leaves. Yellow and red gradually spread between the leaves, and the whole world seemed to be stained with a layer of warm color. Walking in the street, I can't help but calm down and enjoy the beautiful scenery.



The fall has also affected what people wear. We gradually changed into long-sleeved clothes, coats and light down jackets. Every day, seeing a golden and red scene outside, I think of the characteristic fruits of autumn - apples and grapes. Not only are they rich and juicy, they can also bring a bit of cooling to people.



The cooling of autumn brings people a pleasant and comfortable climate, which allows us to stay away from the hot summer and enjoy the cool and pleasant autumn time.




Autumn sends cool

Autumn has come, the hot summer gradually receded, replaced by the refreshing autumn wind. The change of weather makes people feel happy and comfortable.



The autumn wind blows on my face, with cool, so that my body and mind are comfortable. The sun was soft and warm through the clouds. A gust of autumn wind blowing the tree tops, the leaves swaying, like waving to me, inviting me to join the autumn party.



Autumn is also particularly charming at night. The temperature drops slowly, and people change into light coats and stroll together in the streets. The stars in the night sky seem to become more shiny, and the fresh breath permeates the mountains, giving people a feeling of peace and pleasant.



The cooling of autumn not only makes people's life more comfortable, but also makes the natural world greatly changed. The leaves turned golden and red one by one, and the ground was covered with fallen leaves. This makes people feel the charm of autumn and the cycle of life.



For me, who likes autumn, the cooling of autumn brings people indescribable pleasure and relaxation. Let's appreciate the beauty of nature and enjoy the coolness and comfort brought by autumn!




A strong Sense of Autumn

With the end of summer, autumn comes quietly, bringing dry and refreshing autumn winds. The temperature drops gradually, leaves fall on the ground, and the smell of autumn gradually becomes stronger.



In the morning, I can feel the cool of autumn. The sun shines through the window in my room, without the hot summer, a hint of cool from the window. When I go out, I will put on a light coat and welcome the arrival of autumn.



Walking in the forest path, I can feel the autumn wind blowing gently on my face. The leaves are fluttering in the autumn wind, bringing a feeling of desolation. Approaching the trees, I gently touch the bark with my hand, feeling the traces of years, but also feel the power of nature.



The cooling in autumn brings changes to life. I can wear long-sleeved clothes, enjoy the popular autumn clothes, and feel the fashion and charm of autumn. At the same time, in the evening of autumn, I also like to sit quietly at the window, watching the afterglow of the sunset, thinking about life and the world.



The cooling in autumn makes me feel comfortable and satisfied. It is like a soft force, guiding us into a new season, allowing us to appreciate the beauty and change of nature.




About autumn

Autumn is a colorful season, full of harvest and change. With the arrival of autumn winds, the heat of summer gradually fades away, replaced by the cool golden autumn.



The decrease in temperature makes people feel comfortable, and it is also the best time for people to do outdoor activities. Walking into the park, you will see many people doing outdoor sports, such as running, walking and doing tai chi. The autumn wind brings a bit of cool, no longer as hot as summer.



Autumn's cooling also marks a change in nature. The leaves gradually turn golden, orange and red, giving people a beautiful enjoyment. The leaves fall with the wind, forming a carpet of fallen leaves on the ground. This is a unique scene in autumn, attracting many people to appreciate and photograph.



What people wear also changes with the seasons. Short sleeves and skirts for summer were replaced by long sleeves, coats and fall wear. Warm and comfortable clothes make people feel more comfortable and confident. At the same time, it is also time to taste autumn delicacies, such as the famous mooncakes and fresh grapes.



If you ask me what I feel about autumn, I can only say that the cool autumn brings people a feeling of comfort and pleasure. The cooling in autumn allows us to get away from the heat and enjoy the beauty and change of nature.




Autumn wind

Autumn wind is unique, it brings cool, make people feel comfortable and pleasant. With the end of summer, we have a mild and pleasant autumn.



The autumn wind gently blows the leaves, the leaves in the wind, as if to give us a unique dance. Walking along the path, I could hear the sound of the wind through the treetops and the gentle singing of the birds.



The autumn wind at night is still and fresh. I like to walk in the evening, quietly enjoying the wind and the whispers of the birds. The moon hangs high in the sky and stars dot the dark night, creating a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere.



The cooling of autumn has also led to a change in clothing. Short sleeves give way to long-sleeved clothes and coats in summer, making people feel more comfortable and warm. Autumn also offers a variety of activities, such as outdoor picnics, hiking and photography. People can enjoy the beauty of nature and feel the comfort and joy brought by autumn.



Autumn is beautiful, is comfortable, is unforgettable, let us dance with the wind, enjoy this beautiful season.




Cool autumn

After the end of the hot summer, the cool of autumn gradually comes, making people feel comfortable and pleasant. The coolness of autumn brings many benefits to people.



The advantage of autumn is that it can make the temperature drop, so that people's bodies feel comfortable and relaxed. Compared with the summer, the drop in temperature makes people no longer sweat and feel hot. We can change into long-sleeved clothes, enjoy the cool feeling, and feel the pleasant climate brought by autumn.



The second benefit of autumn is that it is cooler and makes it easier to fall asleep. The high temperature in summer often makes people prone to insomnia, while the cool breeze in autumn makes people feel comfortable and quiet. By sleeping in a cool environment, people can rest and recharge better.



Secondly, the cooling in autumn also provides better conditions for outdoor activities. Accompanied by the cool, people are more willing to go to parks, outdoor sports and other places to exercise. The autumn sun is no longer so strong, suitable for outdoor activities, such as morning running, cycling and so on.



About autumn, whether in the outdoor activities or in the indoor rest, people can enjoy the unique cool and beautiful autumn.




My favorite season -- autumn

Autumn is a beautiful and colorful season, but also a season when the temperature gradually decreases. With the autumn wind blowing, the color and breath of nature have changed significantly.



As we enter autumn, people are often attracted by the changes in nature. The leaves gradually change from green to golden, orange and red, like a colorful picture. With the wind blowing, the leaves dance, leaves slowly covered the earth, giving people a kind of peace and beautiful enjoyment.



The cool of autumn also makes people feel comfortable and pleasant. The heat of summer is gradually leaving, bringing a bit of coolness. People prefer to wear long-sleeved clothes and enjoy the gorgeous colors and cool feeling of autumn. The cooling in autumn provides better conditions for outdoor activities, where people can enjoy the beauty of nature.



In addition to the beauty of nature, there are many colorful activities in autumn. People can taste delicious autumn fruits, take part in photography competitions, and watch gorgeous fireworks shows. The cooling in autumn adds more fun and comfort to these activities.



Personally, autumn is the most pleasant in several seasons, comfortable temperature, beautiful natural changes, I love autumn, autumn is the best season ~


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