


A beacon to lead me to the world

In the sea of learning, we are all navigators, and my English teacher is the lighthouse that guides me forward. Her name is Mary, a female teacher with rich teaching experience, and her smile is always so warm, which makes me feel kind and trust.



Teacher Mary's class is full of vitality, she can always make the boring grammar knowledge lively and interesting, so that we can master English in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. She knows that the key to language learning lies in practice, so she often organizes activities such as role playing and English speech for us to practice our English ability in real contexts.



Apart from classroom teaching, Miss Mary often guides us to know the culture of English-speaking countries. She tells us that learning a language is not only about mastering grammar and vocabulary, but also about understanding a country's culture, history and way of thinking. Under Mary's guidance, I developed a strong interest in English-speaking countries and began to learn about their customs, traditions and values.



With Mary's help, my English has improved significantly. More importantly, she made me understand the meaning of learning English, not only to take the exam and go to school, but also to open a new world. I will always be grateful to Miss Mary, who has been an important beacon in my academic life.




A source of motivation to challenge yourself

In my quest for knowledge, my English teacher is not only a source of knowledge, but also a source of motivation for me to constantly challenge myself. He is a passionate and energetic male teacher. His name is John. His teaching style is rigorous and humorous, so that we can master English knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.



Teacher John often tells me, "Language is a bridge of communication, but also a tool of thinking." Under his guidance, I began to try to express my ideas in English. Although it was not smooth at first, John always encouraged me to keep trying. Under his encouragement, I gradually overcame my inner fear and became more and more confident in speaking English.



Not only does John inspire us in the classroom, he also focuses on our personal growth. He encouraged us to participate in various English contests and activities, offering valuable advice and guidance. During the preparation process of the competition, John was always by our side, giving us confidence and support. It is because of his inspiration that I have the courage to challenge myself and achieve some unexpected achievements.



With his rigorous teaching attitude and unique teaching methods, Mr. John helped me overcome my difficulties in learning English and stimulated my interest in English learning. I will always be grateful to my English teacher!




My English teacher

My English teacher surnamed Zhao, she has a medium height, round face, looks chubby. Also cut a neat bangs, big and round eyes, especially good-looking.



Miss Zhao taught us every class in standard English. If anyone didn't listen carefully, she would get angry and say, "Sit down and don't talk." Sometimes he had to hit the classmate with a soft ruler on the palm of the hand, which scared us all. She is not only strict with us, but also with herself. She often goes to the classroom ahead of time to prepare for class, and she often shares some extracurricular knowledge with us.



Although Miss Zhao is strict, she is very concerned about our situation. Once I was sick, teacher Zhao knew, touched my head, very worried said: "you have a fever, I send you to the hospital." And they took me to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, Miss Zhao stayed with me until my parents arrived.



Although Miss Zhao is strict, she is also a very gentle and caring teacher, so I love my English teacher very much.


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