



Learn tolerance

Tolerance is a kind of cultivation, is a kind of quality, but also a virtue. Tolerance is not timid and incompetent, but a kind of magnanimity.



We all know that in history, there was a minister named Lin Xiangru. Due to his meritorious service, his official position rose all the way, which aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of General Lian Po, and he opposed Lin Xiangru everywhere. However, Lin Xiangru only laughed and avoided Lian Po's unreasonable mischief, so he had the story of "being humiliated and apologizing for his SINS". At the end of the story, Lian Po was deeply ashamed of Lin Xiangru's magnanimity, and from then on they joined forces to serve Zhao. As can be seen from this story, learning to tolerate is of great benefit to both people and people.



On the contrary, in life, we will inevitably have friction with others, then we should learn to be tolerant. When someone accidentally steps on you, you're supposed to wave your hand and say it's okay. You should laugh when someone apologizes for breaking your stuff.



Life is so short and hurried, why should we waste every day in these unnecessary frictions? Heaven and earth are so broad, wider than heaven and earth should be the human heart! So we should learn tolerance, only everyone tolerance can make our world more harmonious and beautiful!




Be tolerant in life

The French writer Hugo once said: "The ocean is the widest in the world, the sky is wider than the ocean, and the mind is wider than the sky." Indeed, tolerance can tolerate people's joys and sorrows and make us open-minded.



If people learn to tolerate, they can tolerate the world and know the world. The journey of life will enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road, which makes people relaxed, comfortable and peaceful. Su Dongpo, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, was once framed and slandered by local officials, but he did not care about every ounce and reciprocated injustice. But with a kind of transcendent and selfless mind to treat everything, this realm is how noble and rare ah!



Tolerance is not only a realm, but also a kind of wisdom. When you encounter friction and frustration in the crowd, if you can treat everything with meditation and thick virtue, then this kind of bearing can resolve contradictions and dissolve fights. So tolerance is also a kind of wisdom and skills to treat people, it represents a kind of confidence and friendly power, can make interpersonal relationships become harmonious, friendly and harmonious.



As the saying goes, "bear calm for a moment, take a step back." Let us face the difficulties with a smile, use a tolerant heart to resolve the contradictions and conflicts between people, and embrace a better tomorrow!




Tolerance is the liberation of the mind

Tolerance is a kind of spiritual liberation, it will make our hearts become more broad and free. When we learn to forgive, we stop dwelling on past mistakes and pain and instead focus on our present life and future goals.



Everyone has their own shortcomings and shortcomings, which is inevitable. But if we keep focusing on our flaws, we can fall into self-doubt and anxiety. Instead, if we can accept our imperfections, we will be more focused on our own growth and development. So we have to learn tolerance, learn to accept their imperfections.



Similarly, we also need to learn to understand the differences of others. When we can respect the differences of others, we will reduce conflicts and contradictions and increase harmony and cooperation.



Learning tolerance is not only an attitude, but also a kind of wisdom. It allows us to better manage our relationships and give us a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. 


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