"Peeing in the mud" is a way to describe an activity that is both dirty and fun. It is not a commonly used phrase in English, and it is not clear where it originated. It is possible that it is a phrase that has been invented by someone as a way to describe a playful or silly activity.

Here are a few example sentences using the phrase "peeing in the mud":

"The kids loved playing in the backyard and pretending to pee in the mud." (孩子们喜欢在后院玩耍,假装在泥里尿尿。)
"We were having so much fun splashing around in the puddles that we didn't even care that we were essentially peeing in the mud." (我们在水坑里溅来溅去的时候这么开心,以至于我们甚至不在乎自己基本上是在泥里撒尿。)
"I can't believe you convinced me to go peeing in the mud with you. Now I'm covered in dirt and my shoes are ruined." (我真的不敢相信你说服我和你一起在泥里撒尿。现在我浑身都是泥,鞋子也坏了。)

It's important to note that "peeing in the mud" is not a phrase that is commonly used or accepted in polite society. It is not appropriate to use this phrase in formal or professional settings.

最佳回答 2023-03-22