Since we were born, many people help us a lot. We should be grateful to their kindness. But the ones we should show our greatest appreciation are our parents.
Friendship is essential in one’s life. A person without friends will not get happiness in his life. So we need to make friends.
In short, parent are supposed to take some effective measures to prevent the negative influences of overindulgence on their children, and parents should bear in mind that it's no good to the children
The best way to help me through my emotional crises is to share my feelings with a few good friends of mine. Through talking with them, I have a chance to vent my feelings and find a proper way to sol
爸爸工作很忙,但他依然不忘陪我。每当他有空,他会帮我一起做功课,节假日带我去公园。我是在父母的爱和呵护下长大的,我爱我温暖的家庭。 My father is very busy, but he doesn't forget to accompany me. When he is free, he helps me do my homework.
President Obama extended a bipartisan olive branch to GOP leaders in the health care debate Tuesday, stating in a letter that he is willing to consider several of their ideas in a compromise plan. Spe
随着中国经济的发展及加入世贸组织,轿车将越来越多地进入普通家庭。一方面,刺激了经济的发展,方便了人们的生活;另一方面, 造成了严重的环境污染。请就此问题写一篇文章,词数120左右。 My name is Rachael. When I grow up, I want to be a biology teac