被抛弃的动物 The Abandoned Animals 我喜欢动物,尤其是当我养了一只宠物猫后.我非常仔细地照顾她,因为她是我的家人。但对于一些人来说,他们对待动物的方式是很糟糕的,新闻总是报道一些动物在生病后就被抛弃了。 初中英语作文 照顾 家人 动物园 2019-01-14 2309 阅读
父母卖掉自己的小孩 Parents Sold Newborn Baby We are always educated that parents are the greatest person in the world. They give us lives and raise us until we become adults. 高中英语作文 父母 父爱 母爱 2017-09-25 2318 阅读
难过的事情 The Sad Thing I have raised a pet cat for two years, but since last week, the cat doesn’t feel like eating any food, it just lies down the ground and looks weaker. 小学英语作文 宠物猫 早日康复 难过的 2016-07-24 3279 阅读