保持好心情 Keep a Good Mood 最近,一张美丽女人的照片引起了公众的注意。令人惊讶的是,这个女人看起来像20岁,然而她已经40多岁了!很多女孩都想知道她是如何做到的。 高中英语作文 困难 抱怨 消极 2019-01-12 3650 阅读
金刚的故事 The Story of King Kong New York city is the first city of America. It has many famous buildings, we can see these landmarks in the movie all the time. The empire state building is one of the tourist sites, most people will 高中英语作文 美女 King Kong 帝国大厦 2016-07-29 3056 阅读
周星驰电影中的美女 The Beauty in Zhou Xingchi’s Film I love to see Zhou Xingchi’s movie so much, it is so funny, every time I see, I will laugh loudly and forget about all the unhappiness. 小学英语作文 beauty 美女 Zhou Xingchi 2015-02-16 5538 阅读