When I was very small, I could see many birds flying in the sky when I looked at the sky, but as I grow up and move to the city, I find less birds in the sky.
When I was very small, I like to watch Mickey Mouse very much. He is so funny and makes me laugh out loudly. Later, I have seen a lot of Disney animation, and all of them attract me.
People have to make a lot of friends during their lifetime, but the best friends are not many. As for me, my best friend is Lucy, a girl I meet when I go to primary school. She helps me a lot.
I like to read novel books. When I start to go to primary school, my parents have bought me a lot of novel books, because they want me to fall in love with reading.
Yesterday was Dragon Boat Festival, and there was dragon boat race in the park. At first, my mother wanted to take me there. But she had no time suddenly.
The sky outside is very dark and the wind blows the trees. The trees have to blend their back. There is no sun in the sky. It is two o’clock in the afternoon, but it look like the time of seven